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Our Clinics

We have clinics in North Walsham and Aylsham. The address details for each clinic can be found by clicking below. If you have any questions you can contact us on 01603 273492 or and if you would like to book an appointment please click here.

Front Aylsham Copy

Aylsham Clinic

Unit 9 Shepheards Close,
NR11 6SZ

From the main A140 take the Banningham Road into Aylsham towards the Aylsham Industrial Estate. Take the second left into Dunkirk with Ben Burgess Tractors on your left. Take the first left into Shepheards Close.

Go all the way to the top of Shepheards Close (do not turn towards Screwfix). Go through the silver gates. Unit 9 is the first unit on your left. Please park directly in front of our unit.

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Rossis clinic

Rossis, Tungate
North Walsham
NR28 0JQ

Go past Waitrose on your left. Take the next right into Greens Road. Turn right and then immediately left into Rossis. Report to the main health club reception where you will be greeted by your physiotherapist.