Women's Health Physio

Our Women’s Health physiotherapist has specialist skills in the evaluation and treatment to support women experiencing symptoms related to their pelvis and pelvic floor.
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Women’s Health Physio

Up to one in three women will experience symptoms affecting their pelvis and pelvic floor muscles during their lifetime and often don’t realise that effective, non-surgical treatment is available. After giving birth 45% of mums leak urine when coughing sneezing laughing or jumping, 25% suffer with pelvic or back pain and 36% have a tummy separation.

Our women’s health physiotherapist will help you manage the disorders affecting the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles which can lead to symptoms including incontinence and prolapse. These types of issues can occur at any age, but are especially common pre/post pregnancy, as well as during the peri/post Menopausal transition.

Common issues that we can support you with include:

  1. Diastasis recti (abdominal separation);
  2. Pelvic floor issues, including urgency incontinence, sexual dysfunction and prolapse;
  3. Pregnancy related back, hip and pelvic pain.
Denise Consult
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Don’t suffer in silence …

Our fully qualified Women’s Health physiotherapist will carry out a full assessment and then support you with a rehabilitation plan that is tailored to your needs.

 With the right treatment, your symptoms can be alleviated and your quality of life can be significantly improved.